JV Practice Squad:
#4 Akshay Gupta
#8 Gavin Voight
#12 Marco Roberts
#15 Pranate Nadkarni
#20 Kai Harper
#25 Kyle Grove
#28 Nicholas Delbonifro
#33 Braden Lees
#44 Jake Strube
#56 Ryan Kopecki
#68 Dillon Markis
#71 Leonardo Nino
#73 Gavin Fuimano
#79 Carter Lukasevics
#93 Cordyn Kopec
#98 Lucas Bonifacic
Team placement will be performance based. All players have the ability to move between Varsity and JV with the exception of those players that are locked. Locked players are eligible to play varsity only. Players may be asked to practice with JV or Varsity at the coach’s discretion.